Virtual Happy Hour Bingo

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With social distancing guidelines in full effect, all of your favorite social activities may have shifted to online. This includes movie nights, romantic dinners, and even happy hours. And while for some people, this may have taken away some of the anxieties that IRL interactions cause, for others, it's done the opposite. If you're someone who dreads trying to make conversations in virtual social settings like Zoom happy hours, some big icebreakers could really help. Just remember that everyone is collectively dealing with the stresses of the coronavirus pandemic, and that you're probably not the only one who's feeling a little nervous.

Icebreakers are a great way to start conversations and get yourself and everyone else comfortable. Though social distancing has been going on for a while now, people may still not be used to having interactions solely through virtual settings. It can feel a little awkward talking to coworkers from your bedroom. This is where icebreakers can come in and eliminate any discomfort. You'll get to relax a bit all while learning a little more about the people you're working with.

Here are a few icebreakers you can use in your next Zoom happy hour to make everyone (including yourself) feel a little more at ease.

  • Classic games like Bingo and Scattergories have been adapted to fit our virtual lifestyles. Turn this children’s book series into a virtual happy hour game. Each person takes a.
  • Every Hour on the Hour. This is a new freeroll we have added. If your bored or looking for something to do during the day and want a chance at building up your VP Points we invite you to play in the Hourly Club Freeroll. This tournament runs all day every-day. It’s just another game that we have that offers more perks to our club members.
  • Book a pre-made, professional Virtual Team Party! If you’ve got a large team (50-250+ people), don’t.

Because everyone is dealing with the anxieties and stresses that coronavirus may be causing, it can be a good idea to start off a virtual happy hour with a check-in. Gauge how everyone is doing. See how everyone may be dealing with social distancing and even ask for or offer advice on how to keep busy and stay calm while this plays out.

Virtual happy hour bingo ideas

Remote Happy Hour Games

Virtual birthday cocktail hour. As an alternative to casual drinks at the bar, have your crew drop by a.

I Spy is not just for children. Because you can use Gallery View on Zoom that allows you to see everyone's video window at once, a game of I Spy can be really entertaining for everyone involved. If someone has a blue hat in the background or a huge, colorful tapestry, you can try and get others to guess at it. This'll get everyone playing and let you take a good look around everyone's backdrop.


It's super important to take care of yourself, especially during these unpredictable times. If you have any special practices or routines you use to pamper yourself, or just make yourself feel good, now's the time to share that. You might even get some more inspiration from your coworkers.


People have been taking up baking in quarantine. If this includes you, it could be a fun icebreaker to talk about what you've been baking and what everyone else has been baking. If something sounds good, you can even ask for a recipe.

Virtual Happy Hour Bingo Printable


Work Virtual Happy Hour Bingo

Is there a snack that you've been munching on everyday of quarantine? If there is, poll the video chat to see who else may have one. Everyone has probably been eating more than usual in quarantine so you might as well get some inspiration for snacks.